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Frequently Asked Questions
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Can I trial Dsflow now?

Yes! Come on join our community! Just fill in the demo form. It will takes just a few minutes to set you up.

How do I get my data in?

As simple as an excel import or export. For imports, we provide data schemes. For all your 10' and above time series it works the same way. Initialization only takes a handfull of minutes.

How do I transfer my active contracts to Dsflow?

You can transfer active -and historical- contracts to Dsflow via our batch import module. Can't find an important field in our contract model? You can also create new ones.

How do you build forecasts?

Actually ... you build your forecast. It is your secret sauce :-) But we assist in the aggregation work, segmenting your portfolio, executing scripts and supervizing performances overtime.

Does Dsflow have training tutorials?

Yes. yes. Our mission is to educate the users all along their product use. e-learning, onboarding and documentation. You'll have all of these.

How do I connect my meters to Dsflow?

You can collect all your historical meter data in an instant entering your delivery point ID and your consent on Dsflow. If the DSO Excel integration will always be a fall-back.